
Checklist to Review Your CCTV System

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You may have completed our CCTV Maintenance Checklist that we published recently. This checklist was designed to help you maintain your current system, keeping it safe and effective. In this article, we take it one step further, helping you to review your CCTV system as a whole and consider whether you need to upgrade your system.

For tailored advice and assistance, contact the ai security team today.

  1. Image Quality

The image resolution of your system is an important feature in the overall quality of your CCTV. Clearer images allow you to more accurately record details like license plates and facial features of perpetrators. 

Does your CCTV currently have poor or grainy image quality? 
A CCTV upgrade couldtransform the quality of your CCTV images and provide more accurate records.

  1. Live CCTV

Some CCTV systems only capture a frame every 5 seconds. While this is better than no CCTV, it does not provide optimal security and monitoring. Live CCTV is much more efficient and can offer recording up to 25 frames a second!

Does your CCTV currently have no live CCTV feature?
A CCTV upgrade couldgive you live CCTV that captures up to 25 frames a second!

  1. Night Vision

Some CCTV systems do not have a night vision capacity, meaning they are not monitoring your surroundings for half of the day! Some cameras may have limited night vision capacity producing grainy or low-quality images.

Does your CCTV currently have no night vision capacity?
A CCTV upgrade couldensure your cameras have night vision, meaning they’re effective 24/7.

  1. Camera Locations

It is important that your CCTV cameras are located in all appropriate locations and that there are no blind spots. To find blind spots, you should assess your camera’s field of view then consider

Does your CCTV currently have major blind spots and areas without monitoring?
A CCTV upgrade couldensure all appropriate areas are monitored with CCTV. 

  1. Security Integration

CCTV is just one part of a comprehensive and integrated approach to security. To support your CCTV system, you should invest in other security measures like access control, security barriers and gates, alarms, door entry and more. 

Is your CCTV currently supported by other security measures?
A CCTV upgrade couldintegrate all of your systems to ensure your premises has a comprehensive security approach.

  1. Digital vs Analogue

Analogue CCTV systems are now considered outdated. The highest quality analogue systems do not compare with the most basic digital systems. We have written a blog post explaining the differences between analogue and digital CCTV- view it here.

Is your CCTV currently an analogue system?
A CCTV upgrade couldchange your system from analogue to digital, giving you all of the benefits of a digital CCTV system.

A Note for Schools

At ai-security, we are your school security specialists . If your school is looking for a company to install, maintain and repair security systems, contact us today. We work with schools in London, Essex and the Home Counties.

For Installation, Review or Repairs of CCTV, contact ai security

The ai security team can assist with the installation, maintenance and repairs of CCTV systems. ai security combines 30 years of unrivalled customer service, a comprehensive understanding of client needs and the latest technologies available to provide intelligent and cost-effective security solutions to customers across the UK. We provide services to clients in London, Essex and the Home Counties.

For more information, call our team on 01702 476700 or enquire now.

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If this article has raised any questions about the safety or security of your small business, now is the time to act. Call ai security today to learn more about CCTV, access control, fire alarms, security barriers and gates, and more.

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